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22 - 30 March 1984

Average Viewing Figure: 7M


The newly regenerated Doctor lands on Jaconda and discovers, Mestor plans to send his eggs across the Universe


Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri), Maurice Denham (Edgeworth), Kevin McNally (Hugo Lang), Edwin Richfield (Mestor)

Dennis Chinnery (Sylvest), Barry Stanton (Noma), Oliver Smith (Drak), Helen Blatch (Fabian), Dione Inman (Elena)

Gavin Conrad (Romulus), Andrew Conrad (Remus), Seymour Green (Chamberlain), Roger Nott (Prisoner)

John Wilson (Jocondan Guard)

Uncredited Cast

Les Conrad, Robert Smyth, Mike Mungarvan, Graham Cole, Mike Bessenger, David Ranley (Jocondan Guards) 

Robert Sands, Chris Wortman, Jackie Elsdon (Peasants), Steve Wickham, Ridgewell Hawkes (Gastropods)


Anthony Steven (Writer), Ron Grainer (Theme Music), Malcolm Clarke (Incidental Music), Dick Mills (Special Sound)

Michael A Treen (Production Manager), June Collins (Production Associate), Christopher Fawcett (Production Assistant)

Stephen Jeffrey-Poulter, Beth Millward (Assistant Floor Managers), John Baker, John Walker (Film Cameramen)

Malcolm Campbell (Film Sound), Ian McKendrick (Film Editor), Stuart Brisdon (Visual Effects Designer), Dave Chapman (Video Editor)

Dinah Long (Vision Mixer), Alan Arbuthnott (Technical Co-ordinator), Alec Wheal (Camera Supervisor)

Hugh Parson (Videotape Editor), Don Babbage (Lighting Director), Scott Talbott (Studio Sound), Pat Godfrey (Costume Designer)

Denise Baron (Make-Up Designer), Eric Saward (Script Editor), Sid Sutton, Terry Handley (Title Sequence)

Valerie Warrender (Designer), John Nathan-Turner (Producer), Peter Moffatt (Director) 


Filming Locations

  • Television Centre: Studio 8

  • Springwell Quarry, Rickmansworth, Herts

  • Gerrards Cross Gravel Pits, Wapseys Wood, Bucks

  • Television Centre: Studio 3


  • Edgeworth [dies when he triggers a thirteenth regeneration]

  • Mestor [killed when Edgeworth triggers a thirteenth regeneration]

  • Drak [killed when his mind is burned]

  • Prisoner [killed by Mestor using embolism]

Production Days

  • 8 days between Tuesday 24 January - Thursday 16 February 1984

Production Errors

  1. There are some blocking issues in episode one during the scene where Romulus and Remus play equations. The twins are evidently close together in one shot, and roughly a meter apart when they turn around to face each other in the following shot. 

  2. The planet Jaconda is supposedly decimated, however grass and trees can be seen in the background on a few occasions. 

  3. How can three planets in the same orbit blow a hole in the Universe? 

  4. The Mathematical abilities which Romulus and Remus possess are overestimated by their father. The sums and equations which Mestor requires could realistically be achieved by anyone.

  5. If Azmael has a 'slug poison' on his possession why didn't he think of using it before the story's event?

  6. Why does Azmael call himself Edgeworth in the first place? The Doctor easily recognises him anyway.

Working Titles

  • A Stitch in Time - (storyline)

  • A Switch in Time - (storyline) 


Let us get one thing straight, the twins are unbearably bad, easily the worst characters to appear in the show’s history. The best moments are when they shut up but even their facial expressions are pull your hair out cringeworthy. As it currently stands The Twin Dilemma is one of the worst-rated stories ever, is it a fair conclusion? Well, yeah, the plot is nowhere to been seen and what little that does come up is confusing, uninspiring and all over the place and the second episode absolutely stalls and never moves into second gear. Which is not to say they're a few good ideas, there are, but they are hampered down by cartoonish moments, a horribly designed alien planet, terrible cliffhangers which led to nowhere and, an underused villain who simply sits down all of the time. The great Edwin Richfield is restricted by a silly costume, whilst the Gastropods are fine they are super ugly to look at. The brilliant Maurice Denham is severely underplayed and looks rather uncomfortable. Colin Baker tries his best and gives his all, but is blessed with a seriously dislikeable incarnation of The Doctor, some traits will continue throughout his tenure. The Doctor’s costume could have been a lot worse. The whole production feels rushed and misdirected that makes one wonder, are we watching an awkward high-school play or the rehearsal tapes? Easily one of the worst, only watch it if you really want to. *

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