22 November 1989 - 6 December 1989
Average Viewing Figure: 4.9M
The Doctor takes Ace back to Perivale who discovers Cheetah People are transporting people to their home planet
Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), Sophie Aldred (Ace), Anthony Ainley (The Master), Julian Holloway (Paterson), Lisa Bowerman (Karra)
Norman Pace (Harvey), Gareth Hale (Len), Will Barton (Midge), Sakuntala Ramanee (Shreela), David John (Derek)
Sean Oliver (Stuart), Kate Eaton (Ange), Kathleen Bidmead (Woman), Adele Silva (Squeak), Michelle Martin (Neighbour)
Uncredited Cast
Damon Jeffrey (Man washing Car [Dave]), Muriel Wellesley (Woman [at window shooing cat]), Lee Towsey (Injured Self-Defence Lad)
Jimmy Morris, Humphrey James, Michael Savva, Keith Macey, Nick Ferranti, Dominic Martinez, Simon Horrill (Self-Defence Lads)
Jean Channon (Woman [at telephone], Damon Jeffrey, Lee Towsey, Basil Patton, Leslie Meadows, Emma Darrell
Samantha Leverett, Susan Goode, Adel Jackson (Cheetahs), Jack Talbot (Milkman), Tip Tipping (Stunt Double for The Doctor)
Eddie Kidd (Stunt Double for Midge), Wayne Michaels, Damon Jeffrey (Double for Karra)
Rona Munro (Writer), Paul Heasman (Stunt Arranger), Ron Grainer (Theme Music), Dominic Glynn (Incidental Music)
Dick Mills (Special Sound), Gary Downie (Production Manager), Valerie Whiston (Production Assistant)
Stephen Garwood, Leigh Poole (Assistant Floor Managers), Malcolm James (Visual Effects Designer), Dave Chapman (Video Effects)
Susan Brincat (Vision Mixer), Oliver Elmes (Graphic Designer), Nick Barnett (Properties Buyer), CAL Video (Computer Animation)
Brian Jones (Engineering Manager), Paul Harding, Alan Jessop (OB Cameramen), Hugh Parson (Videotape Editor)
Ian Dow (Lighting), Les Mowbray, Scott Talbott (Sound), Ken Trew (Costume Designer), Joan Stribling (Make-Up Designer)
Andrew Cartmel (Script Editor), June Collins (Production Associate), Nick Somerville (Designer), John Nathan-Turner (Producer)
Alan Wareing (Director)
Filming Locations
Medway Drive, Perivale, Middx
Flats, Medway Parade, Perivale, Middx
Drayton Court Public House, The Avenue, London
Londis Food Market, Medway Parade, Perivale, Middx
Motor Cycles Unlimited, Medway Parade, Perivale, Middx
Sceptre Financial Services, Medway Parade, Perivale, Middx
Ealing Central Sports Ground, Perivale, Middx
Clowyn Avenue, Perivale, Middx
Bleasdale Avenue, Perivale, Middx
Woodhouse Avenue, Perivale, Middx
EYJ Martial Arts Centre, Sudbury Hill, Middx
Horsenden Hill, Perivale, Middx
Warmwell Quarry, Warmwell, Dorset
Paterson [killled by his students who are possessed by Midge]
Karra [stabbed by The Master]
Midge [killed by The Master]
Stuart [killed by Karra as a Cheetah Person]
Dave [killed by a Cheetah Person]
Milkman [killed by a Cheetah Person]
Tiger [possibly killed by a Kitling]
Production Days
12 days between Saturday 11 June - Friday 23 June 1989
Production Errors
There are some obvious continuity mistakes when a shot of a real black cat cuts to a robot double
Working Titles
Munro’s script is full of imagination, beautiful Cheetah people, writing and characters. The plot is your basic survival of the fittest but brings a unique approach to it where sometimes the most savage animals of all can be humans. Another fine soundtrack this time from Dominic Glynn a shame Mark Ayres could make it three for three in a row. A lot of money was clearly thrown into the project – eight Cheetah people costumes, horses for energetic chase sequences and even a few motorbike stunts. Visual effects galore, beautiful costumes, remarkably scary puppets, and a wonderful final monologue from one of the greatest television characters of all time tied the classic era on a satisfying final note. ****