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11 - 18 June 2005

Viewing Figures: 6.81/6.91M


When, The Doctor finds himself playing a Game of Big Brother he discovers his oldest enemies are lurking in the darkness


Christopher Eccleston (The Doctor), Billie Piper (Rose Tyler), John Barrowman (Captain Jack), Jo Joyner (Lynda), Jamie Bradley (Strood)

Abi Eniola (Crosbie), Davina McCall (Voice of Davinadroid), Paterson Joseph (Rodrick), Jenna Russell (Floor Manager)

Anne Robinson (Voice of Anne Droid), Trinny Woodall (Voice of Trine-E), Susannah Constantine (Voice of Zu-Zana)

Jo Stone-Fewings (Male Programmer), Nisha Nayer (Female Programmer), Dominic Burgess (Agorax), Karren Winchester (Fitch)

Kate Loustau (Colleen), Sebastian Armesto (Broff), Martha Cope (Controller), Sam Callis (Security Guard), Alan Ruscoe (Anne Droid, Trine-E)

Paul Kasey (Zu-Zana), Barnaby Edwards, Nicholas Pegg, David Hankinson, Dan Barratt (Daleks), Nicholas Briggs (Dalek Voices)

Noel Clarke (Mickey Smith), Camille Coduri (Jackie Tyler) 

and introducing David Tennant as The Doctor


Russell T Davies (Writer), Phil Collinson (Producer), Joe Ahearne (Director), Daleks originally created by Terry Nation

The Weakest Link format created by Fintan Coyle and Cathy DunningBig Brother is an original format by Endemol Netherlands BV

Licensed by Endemol International BV Big Brother Logo by kind permission by Channel Four, Peter Bennett (1st Assistant Director)

Steffan Morris (2nd Assistant Director), Dan Mumford (3rd Assistant Director), Llyr Morus (Location Manager)

Jess van Niekerk (Production Co-ordinator), Anna Evans, Tim Hodges, Debbie Meldrum (Production Runners)

Debi Griffiths, Kath Blackman (A/Production Accountants), Non Eleri Hughes (Continuity), Helen Raynor (Script Editor)

Martin Stephens (Camera Operator), Mark Isaac (Focus Puller), John Robinson (Grip), Damian Richardson (Boom Operator)

Mark Hutchings (Gaffer), Peter Chester (Best Boy), Jamie Edgell (Stunt Co-ordinator)

Tony Lucken, Stuart Clarke, Derek Lea (Stunt Performers), Gwenllian Llwyd (Art Department Co-ordinator), Bryan Hitch (Concept Artist)

Catherine Samuel (Production Buyer), Liz Griffiths (Set Decorator), Stephen Nicholas (Supervising Art Director)

Julian Luxton (Standby Art Director), Adrian Anscombe (Property Master), Andrew Smith (Construction Manager)

Phill Shellard, Trystan Howell (Standby Props), Jenny Bowers (Graphic Artist), Yolanda Peart-Smith (Wardrobe Supervisor)

Linda Davie (Make-Up Supervisor), Claire Pritchard, Steve Williams (Make-Up Artists), Kirsty Robertson (Casting Associate)

Ceres Doyle (Assistant Editor), Marie Brown (Post Production Supervisor), Simon C Holden, Jennifer Herbert, Bronwyn Edwards

Astrid Busser-Casas, Richard Roberts, Chad Meire (2D VFX Artists), Chris Petts, Andy Howell, Paul Burton, Matt McKinney

Nick Webber, Mark Wallman, Nicolas Hernandez, Jean-Claude Deguara (3D VFX Artists), Alexander Fort (Digitial Matte Paintings)

Mike Tucker (Model Unit Supervisor), Peter Tyler (Model Unit DOP), Matthew Clarke (On Line Editor), Paul Harrison (Colourist)

Tim Ricketts (Dubbing Mixer), Paul McFadden (Dialogue Editor), Paul Jefferies (Sound FX Editor), James Dundas (Rights Executive)

Richard Pugsley (Finance Manager), Ron Grainer (Original Theme Music), Andy Pryor CDG (Casting Director)

Endaf Emyr Williams (Production Accountant), Ian Richardson (Sound Recordist), Lucinda Wright (Costume Designer)

Davy Jones (Make-Up Designer), Murray Gold (Music), Any Effects (Special Effects), The Mill (Visual Effects)

Millennium Effects (Prospethics), Will Cohen (Visual FX Producer), Dave Houghton (Visual FX Supervisor) , Graham Walker (Editor)

Edward Thomas (Production Designer), Ernie Vincze BSC (Director of Photography), Tracie Simpson (Production Manager)

Helen Vallis (Associate Producer), Russell T Davies, Julie Gardner, Mal Young (Executive Producers)

Uncredited Crew

Nick Hopkins, Nick Britz, Steve Mile, Daf Parry, Rhian Salisbury (3rd Assistant Director), Nick Britz, Steve Milne

Rhian Salisbury (Production Runners), Joss Lowe, Kevin Rudge (Camera Operator), Terry Bartlett (Focus Puller)

Rhydian Yeoman, Andy Griffin (Boom Operators), Lee Sheward (Stunt Co-ordinator)


Filming Locations

  • Severn Square, Canton, Cardiff

  • UNIT Q2, Imperial Way, Newport

  • NCLA, Clarence Place, Newport

  • Enfys Television Studio, Unit 31, Portmanmoor Road, Cardiff

  • Louden Square, Cardiff

  • Paddle Steamer Pub, Louden Square, Cardiff

  • Model Unit Stage, Park Western, Kendal Avenue


  • Lynda [sucked into space]

  • Crosbie [turned into a Dalek and later destroyed]

  • Roderick [exterminated by a Dalek]

  • Floor Manager [exterminated by a Dalek]

  • Male Programmer [extermianted by a Dalek]

  • Female Programmer [exterminated by a Dalek]

  • Agorax [turned into a Dalek and later destroyed]

  • Fitch [turned into a Dalek and later destroyed]

  • Colleen [turned into a Dalek and later destroyed]

  • Broff [turned into a Dalek and later destroyed]

  • Controller [exterminated by a Dalek]

  • Daleks [killed in many ways]

  • Emperor Dalek [killed by the 'Bad Wolf']

Production Days

  • 25 days between Wednesday 16 February - Thursday 21 April 2005

Production Errors

  1. Whilst Broff attempts to escape the Weakest Link set, the "On Air" light is clear on, however, Broff attempts to escape during the advert breaks - so the show would not be "On Air"

  2. When The Doctor, Captain Jack, and Lynda escape their cell, Lynda can be seen reaching for her gadgets twice

  3. When the camera cuts to a close-up on the guns, they are shown to always be on "safe"

  4. All of the Daleks have the exact same ID codes on them, except the Emperor Daleks

  5. When the three Daleks exterminate Jack, his CGI skeleton foot is clearly in front of the Dalek "sucker" arm when it should be behind it 

Working Titles

  • Gameshow World


The first series finale of the revived series - how will it fare? Despite the story losing its pace at various points, the whole production is awe-inspiring. The opening is intriguing with the main character all playing a version of popular British game shows. The Big Brother sets are the most realistic, while The Weakest Link segment is the most engaging. The What Not to Wear sets are a little bland, but the Zu-Zana and Trine-E robots are marvellous in design and voice acting from their perspective human counterparts. Their exploding heads at the end add some humour and shock tactics to the story. The Anne-Droid has all the qualities of an excellent robot antagonist - a chilling voice, sinister blank facial expression, slow but deadly movement and a horrific hidden weapon. The surprise reveal of Satellite Five is both satisfying and genuinely worthy of coming back for another couple of episodes. However, there are too many FX Shot of the Satellite with recycled footage coming from 'The Long Game' - a little bit lazy for a series finale. The acting is once again top-notch. Billie Piper is on top form during her scenes on the Weakest Link sets. Her reactions to being on the show are stupidity enjoyable while her actions when she discovers what happens to the 'weakest link' makes her a good strong character. Both disgusted with the game and herself for being associated with it brings out the very best in her. On the other hand, we have Paterson Joseph playing Roderick who at first isn't a villain, merely a scared human only doing what it takes to survive. His reactions to Fitch's 'death' slowly followed by Broff's shows that deep down, he takes no pride in sending people to their 'deaths'. However, his real side comes to light while demanding his money after winning his deadly game of survival. Christopher Eccleston has more moments of brilliance - his transition from being arrogant to enraged after, discovering the nature of the Big Brother game again shows his attitude towards the loss of life. His best moment comes when The Doctor once again realises that sometimes his intentions to put things right may not always end with happy results. His blank stare over the ravaged world makes him a likeable character who can realise that sometimes he isn't always right. The climax to 'Bad Wolf' feels like one big space adventure. Countless spaceships with thousands of mad Daleks on board with the awesome spine-chilling chorus drags viewers right into the action. The Emperor Dalek is a thing of beauty in its design and voice deliveries from the once again brilliant Nicholas Briggs. The nature of the Daleks being half-human is both haunting and somewhat traumatising at the same time. The way they glide into Floor 500 in their masses creates images of infinite power and unimaginable levels of danger. The purpose of a series finale is to wrap up its arch story. The mysterious words Bad Wolf which appear in every serial, comes to a boiling point in this heart-pounding story. The scene with the time vortex pouring into Rose in such infinite amounts is the most beautifully shot scene of the series. Rose, in her Bad Wolf form, is another thing of winsomeness. Her elegant, goddess-like persona with incredible powers - halting a Dalek's ray gun, spreading the words of Bad Wolf across time and space, turning the Daleks into dust and resurrecting Captain Jack is so mind-boggling. Her performance is so peaceful and intimidating at the same time. Other little touches of film-making magic come in all shapes and sizes. The silent cry of 'exterminate' in space, the regeneration of The Doctor, the close-up shots of the twitching Dalek eyestalk while staring at The Doctor makes the finale worth the wait. With an excellent first series, expectations will be set high for series two and beyond with the show's new Doctor. *****

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